Source code for vireo.drivers.rabbitmq.consumer

import json
import threading
import traceback
import time

from pika            import BasicProperties
from pika.exceptions import ConnectionClosed, ChannelClosed, IncompatibleProtocolError

from ...helper import log
from ...model  import Message, RemoteSignal

from .exception import NoConnectionError
from .helper import active_connection, fill_in_the_blank, SHARED_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME, SHARED_SIGNAL_CONNECTION_LOSS

PING_MESSAGE      = 'ping'

[docs]class Consumer(threading.Thread): """ Message consumer This is used to handle messages on one particular route/queue. :param str url: the URL to the RabbitMQ server :param str route: the route to observe :param callable callback: the callback function / callable object :param list shared_stream: the internal message queue for thread synchronization :param bool resumable: the flag to indicate whether the consumption is resumable :param bool resumable: the flag to indicate whether the messages are distributed evenly across all consumers on the same route :param dict queue_options: additional queue options :param bool unlimited_retries: the flag to disable limited retry count. :param callable on_connect: a callback function when the message consumption begins. :param callable on_disconnect: a callback function when the message consumption is interrupted due to unexpected disconnection. :param callable on_error: a callback function when the message consumption is interrupted due to exception raised from the main callback function. Here is an example for ``on_connect``. .. code-block:: Python def on_connect(consumer = None): ... Here is an example for ``on_disconnect``. .. code-block:: Python def on_disconnect(consumer = None): ... Here is an example for ``on_error``. .. code-block:: Python def on_error(exception, consumer = None): ... """ def __init__(self, url, route, callback, shared_stream, resumable, distributed, queue_options, simple_handling, unlimited_retries = False, on_connect = None, on_disconnect = None, on_error = None, controller_id = None): super().__init__(daemon = True) self.url = url self.route = route self.callback = callback self.resumable = resumable self.distributed = distributed self.queue_options = queue_options self.simple_handling = simple_handling self._retry_count = 0 self._shared_stream = shared_stream self._channel = None self._queue_name = None self._paused = False self._stopped = False self._controller_id = controller_id self._unlimited_retries = unlimited_retries self._on_connect = on_connect self._on_disconnect = on_disconnect self._on_error = on_error self._recovery_queue_name = 'RECOVERY.{}'.format(self.route) assert not self._on_disconnect or callable(self._on_disconnect), 'The error handler must be callable.' @staticmethod
[docs] def can_handle_route(routing_key): """ Check if the consumer can handle the given routing key. .. note:: the default implementation will handle all routes. :param str routing_key: the routing key """ return True
@property def queue_name(self): return self._queue_name @property def stopped(self): return self._stopped def run(self): log('debug', '{}: Active'.format(self._debug_route_name())) while not self._stopped: try: self._listen() except NoConnectionError as e: self._retry_count += 1 if self._on_disconnect: self._async_execute(self._on_disconnect) log('error', '{}: Passed the error information occurred to the error handler'.format(self._debug_route_name())) if self._retry_count < MAX_RETRY_COUNT: log('info', '{}: Will re-listen to the queue in 1 second ({} attempt(s) left)'.format(self._debug_route_name(), MAX_RETRY_COUNT - self._retry_count)) time.sleep(1) log('warning', 'Reconnecting to listen to {}'.format(self._debug_route_name())) continue if self._unlimited_retries: log('info', '{}: Will re-listen to the queue in 5 second (unlimited retries)'.format(self._debug_route_name())) time.sleep(5) log('warning', 'Reconnecting to listen to {}'.format(self._debug_route_name())) continue log('warning', '{}: Unexpected connection loss detected ({})'.format(self._debug_route_name(), e)) self._shared_stream.append(SHARED_SIGNAL_CONNECTION_LOSS) log('debug', '{}: Inactive'.format(self._debug_route_name())) def resume(self): if self.stopped: log('debug', '{}: Already stopped (resume)'.format(self._debug_route_name())) return log('debug', '{}: Resuming on listening...'.format(self._debug_route_name())) self._paused = False def pause(self): if self.stopped: log('debug', '{}: Already stopped (pause)'.format(self._debug_route_name())) return log('debug', '{}: Temporarily stop listening...'.format(self._debug_route_name())) self._paused = True
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop consumption """ log('debug', 'Stopping listening to {}...'.format(self._debug_route_name())) self._channel.stop_consuming()
def _async_execute(self, callable_method, *args): params = [*args] params.append(self) async_callback = threading.Thread(target = callable_method, args = params, daemon = True) async_callback.start() def _listen(self): with active_connection(self.url, self._on_connect, self._on_disconnect) as channel: self._channel = channel self._queue_name = self._declare_topic_queue(channel) if self.distributed else self._declare_shared_queue(channel) self._declare_recovery_queue(channel) # Declare the callback wrapper for this route. def callback_wrapper(channel, method_frame, header_frame, body): time_sequence = [time.time()] raw_message = body.decode('utf8') log('info', '{}: Processing {}...'.format(self._debug_route_name(), raw_message)) try: # This is inside the try-catch block to deal with malformed data. decoded_message = json.loads(raw_message) remote_signal = None remote_target = None if isinstance(decoded_message, dict) and 'remote_signal' in decoded_message: log('debug', '{}: Received a remote signal'.format(self._debug_route_name())) remote_signal = decoded_message['remote_signal'] remote_target = decoded_message.get('controller_id', None) or None if remote_signal != RemoteSignal.PING and (not remote_target or remote_target != self._controller_id): log('debug', '{}: Ignoring the remote signal (TARGET {}).'.format( self._debug_route_name(), remote_target or '(UNDEFINED)' )) channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method_frame.delivery_tag) log('debug', '{}: Ignored the remote signal (TARGET {}).'.format( self._debug_route_name(), remote_target or '(UNDEFINED)' )) return time_sequence.append(time.time()) if remote_signal == RemoteSignal.PING: log('debug', '{}: Detected PING signal'.format(self._debug_route_name())) channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method_frame.delivery_tag) log('debug', '{}: Ready (post-ping)'.format(self._debug_route_name())) return if remote_signal == RemoteSignal.RESUME: log('debug', '{}: Receive RESUME signal'.format(self._debug_route_name())) self.resume() channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method_frame.delivery_tag) log('debug', '{}: Reactivated'.format(self._debug_route_name())) return if remote_signal == RemoteSignal.PAUSE: log('debug', '{}: Receive PAUSE signal'.format(self._debug_route_name())) self.pause() channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method_frame.delivery_tag) log('debug', '{}: Standing by...'.format(self._debug_route_name())) return if self._paused: log('info', '{}: On STANDBY'.format(self._debug_route_name())) channel.basic_nack(delivery_tag = method_frame.delivery_tag) log('debug', '{}: Temporarily block itself for a moment'.format(self._debug_route_name())) time.sleep(3) log('debug', '{}: Ready (standby)'.format(self._debug_route_name())) return message = ( decoded_message if self.simple_handling else Message( decoded_message, { 'header': header_frame, 'method': method_frame, } ) ) self.callback(message) # Acknowledge the delivery after the work is done. channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method_frame.delivery_tag) except Exception as unexpected_error: error_info = { 'type' : type(unexpected_error).__name__, 'message' : str(unexpected_error), 'traceback' : traceback.format_exc(), } log('error', '{}: Exception raised while processing the message: {type}: {message}\n{traceback}'.format( self._debug_route_name(), **error_info, )) # Store the message that cause error in the recovery queue. republishing_options = { 'exchange' : '', 'routing_key' : self._recovery_queue_name, 'properties' : BasicProperties(content_type = 'application/json'), 'body' : json.dumps( { 'controller' : self._controller_id, 'error' : error_info, 'message' : raw_message, 'when' : time.time(), }, indent = 4 ), } channel.basic_publish(**republishing_options) # Acknowledge the delivery when an error occurs to DEQUEUE the message. channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method_frame.delivery_tag) if self._on_error: self._async_execute(self._on_error, unexpected_error) log('warning', '{}: Recovered from the unexpected error'.format(self._debug_route_name())) log('debug', '{}: Ready (OK)'.format(self._debug_route_name())) log('debug', '{}: Listening...'.format(self._debug_route_name())) channel.basic_consume(callback_wrapper, self._queue_name) # NOTE there is a bug in start_consuming that prevents stop_consuming from cleanly # stopping message consumption. The following is a hack suggested in StackOverflow. # channel.start_consuming() try: while channel._consumer_infos: channel.connection.process_data_events(time_limit = 1) if self._retry_count: self._retry_count = 0 if self._on_connect: self._async_execute(self._on_connect) self._stopped = True except ConnectionClosed as e: raise NoConnectionError('The connection has been absurbly disconnected.') log('debug', 'Stopped listening to {}'.format(self._debug_route_name())) def _debug_route_name(self): result = 'ROUTE {}/{}'.format(self._controller_id, self.route) if self._queue_name: return '{} (QUEUE {})'.format(result, self._queue_name) return result def _declare_shared_queue(self, channel): queue_options = fill_in_the_blank( { 'auto_delete': not self.resumable, 'durable' : self.resumable, 'queue' : self.route, }, self.queue_options or {} ) channel.queue_declare(**queue_options) log('info', 'CONTROLLER {}: Declared a queue "{}"'.format(self._controller_id, self.route)) return self.route def _declare_recovery_queue(self, channel): queue_options = fill_in_the_blank( { 'auto_delete': not self.resumable, 'durable' : self.resumable, 'queue' : self._recovery_queue_name, }, self.queue_options or {} ) channel.queue_declare(**queue_options) log('info', 'CONTROLLER {}: Declared a recovery queue for ROUTE {}'.format(self._controller_id, self.route)) return self.route def _declare_topic_queue(self, channel): # Currently not supporting resumability. queue_options = fill_in_the_blank( { 'auto_delete': True, 'queue' : '', }, self.queue_options or {} ) channel.exchange_declare( exchange = SHARED_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME, exchange_type = 'topic', passive = False, durable = True, auto_delete = False, ) response = channel.queue_declare(**queue_options) temp_queue_name = response.method.queue log('info', 'CONTROLLER {}: Declared a temporary queue "{}"'.format(self._controller_id, temp_queue_name)) log('info', 'CONTROLLER {}: Binding a temporary queue "{}" to route {}'.format(self._controller_id, temp_queue_name, self.route)) channel.queue_bind(temp_queue_name, SHARED_TOPIC_EXCHANGE_NAME, self.route) log('info', 'CONTROLLER {}: Bound a temporary queue "{}" to route {}'.format(self._controller_id, temp_queue_name, self.route)) return temp_queue_name